- Ali Asghar Hussiens(as) six month baby (5)
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- Charity and Giving (1)
- Death and The grave (3)
- Hellfire (2)
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- Kassim Ibne Hassan(as) (2)
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Archive for February, 2008
02 7th, 2008
What will happen in the grave
Not thinking about life after death being so brave
Forgetting about the things to us that Allah(SWT) gave
For worldly gains we beg we crave
One thought! our souls we must surely save
satan is always pulling us to his ways
Short is this life so fill it by reciting Allahs(SWT) praise
Be aware that Qiyamat itself is Thousands of days
Fear yourself dont be fooled and fall in love with this world its only a phase
For it has two exits one is eternal bliss in Heaven and the other the fire of Hell a never ending blaze

02 7th, 2008
We cry for Hussien(AS) and say we would before you have died
Yet ask yourself mahmood do you act like his oppressor with ego and pride
Question is can we put our hand on our heart and say we would be on Hussiens(AS) side
Try in a dark room alone and let the truth in you answer and then decide.

02 7th, 2008
Death has to be tasted by all
Each man builds his kingdom and then his kingdom does fall
On earth fearless walking tall
And then comes the Angel and death does call
Fear and weakness set in
Pleading and begging begin
Worrying about every sin
Now a beggar when once a king
The doors of the grave start opening
Oh I forgot just one more thing
This is the start of our reckoning.

02 7th, 2008
To be like Ali(AS) is hard but its harder to make him againFor a new Ahmed(SAWW) a new Zahra(AS) a new Kaaba will not be made the same
And anyway Ali(AS) is he that the nusayrrih call by Allahs(SWT) name
Brothers Allah(SWT) does not create Allah again and again

02 7th, 2008
We all know our own secrets deep in our hearts and minds,
We can never tell people so we keep them quietly confined
But to think they will always stay hidden is for sure not real
For Allah knows the truth and one day the truth he will reveal